HELALYN FLOWERS / 2013 / From Italy to the whole world

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Helalyn Flowers from Italy have just released the new album “White me in black” and it’s definitely the strongest HF-album ever, so we talked to singer Noemi to talk about the current album, live shows, artwork and a new video …

Interview: Dennis Rowehl / Photos by courtesy of Helalyn Flowers

entertaim.net: Hi Noemi, I really think that “White me in Black” is definitely the best Helalyn Flowers album ever? Actually this album is grounded in the 80s. The sound, the melodies, I thought it was the 3rd album of Dalbello?! Can you tell us more of the process of the songwriting for this album?

Noemi: I think this is the album that really represents us. The songwriting process has been long-winded and meticulous. We collected new ideas just after our previous album “Stitches Of Eden” but we spent several time to gather together the right songs. We always aim to the top of our expression and do not like to repeat ourselves. So, this time we didn’t start from a particular concept, we used to write together living our minds free. Compared to the previous album, we have attenuated 80′s influences. Production is more ferrous and metal oriented, electronics and guitars are heavier, opposing frailty atmospheres of choirs, pads and solo guitars. This is pure Helalyn Flowers.

entertaim.net: Where are your musical influences for this album … apart from Dalbello and the early Depeche Mode and possibly Sisters of Mercy?

Noemi: You know, it’s funny because we never heard of Dalbello before, but since you told me you’re a fan of her, I take this as a compliment! While Depeche Mode and Sisters of Mercy yes, are among our many influences. We listen to Dark Wave, Metal and derivatives, Industrial, Punk or even Synthpop! Very different bands like Killing Joke, Marilyn Manson, Skold, KMFDM, the Gathering, Slayer, the Prodigy, Bjork, Paradise Lost, Miranda Sex Garden, Misfits, Motley Crue are definitely part of our background.

entertaim.net: By the way … will you play live in Germany to promote the album?

Noemi: We’re currently looking for a new agency to book us for Europe and even USA. Germany is of course one of our target, since lots of our fans are right there. Our live set consist of 4 members. Max (guitars/synths), me (vocals/synths), Ernst (drums and electronic pads) and our newcomer bassist Marco Fiormonti. An electronic wall of sound fights the organic nature of human performance. This is the key of our sets. An injection of warlike adrenaline!

entertaim.net: Are there any plans for a video so far?

Noemi: Yes, we’re going to make a video from the new album. I think it will be ready in the coming months.

entertaim.net: Great artwork and really stylish pictures. Pics seem to be very important for you to represent yourself. Have you ever worked as a model apart from Helalyn Flowers?

Noemi: No, I’ve never felt like a model (laughing). When I was a dancer I enjoyed posing amicably for some photographic experiments, but just for fun. Our care for the image is given by the passion for photography and the visual arts, as I also work at my design factory Toxic Visions. Contrary to what many people imagine, I am very shy when other people photograph me, I’m more comfortable behind the camera!

entertaim.net: What will be the next steps for Helalyn Flowers?

Noemi: Something big I hope! (laughing)

entertaim.net: Apart from Italy … and as you just mentioned … Germany … where are your strongest markets?

Noemi: USA, Noth America and England are the areas in which we have noticed more feedback so far.

entertaim.net: Thanks so far … hope to meet you personally once

Noemi: Thanx to you Dennis! I hope that too! I’ve been in Berlin some years ago and I must say it’s one of the best places I ever visited. So, I wish to reach Germany as soon as possible, perhaps for a good concert and delicious German beer!

Helalyn Flowers on entertaim.net